One thing about me, I have a bit of a phobia of the open ocean. And another fun fact, the sky seems pretty similar to that when you're suspended way up in it!
Turbulence had a unique way of bringing me into a spontaneous chat with the Most High. How unfortunate that many times it takes negative emotions to orientate ourselves back to the Lord and SEEK Him earnestly. For the last couple of days my prayers have included a request that that would not be true of me.
(reminds me of the 1 Thessalonians 5 verse on praying in all circumstances, talking to God all the time, about anything and everything)
So far, here at YWAM Orlando, I have experienced an abundance of happiness already and am perhaps even more grateful that this community returns their blessings back to the Lords in praise and actions towards others. It's like God's grace waterfall spilling off of one shelf to another! (John 13:35 "By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another.”)